Goodwill Ambassadors seek Global Change

New Goodwill Ambassador Program formed by Globcal International
Beginning August 01, 2009 guest authors and friends of the Goodwill Ambassadors of the World will begin writing and submitting feature stories for publishing from all over the world.Our intention is simple publish good stories and champion the good works of goodwill ambassadors from all over the world and network their information in the social media to propagate others to spread the ideal of goodwill and good work among people on Facebook and involved with other social media platforms. Good conversations based on good deeds will result in a social and global change toward positive performance among humanity.
This blog will share the work and goodwill missions that ambassadors are charged with from many different organizations, it will discuss past and future missions, it will honor those who are appointed, volunteer, and professional ambassadors through articles that feature these proactive individuals.
We will discuss and review individual goodwill ambassadors' work, give some biographic information, focus on special programs in which they have been involved, and provide additional references about each featured goodwill ambassador. Many are well known celebrities from every walk of life and every sector of society and career affiliation will be interviewed or researched for inclusion here,
The people you will meet here include engineers, writers, astronauts, ex-presidents, sportsmen, princes and princesses, athletes, movie stars, and regular people who do good deeds beneficial to society.
Goodwill ambassadors have been around as long as society itself probably, perhaps it is an essential element of the evolution of our world today. Here together we will compile and focus on these fantastic people and their causes to project peace for humanity, recover our environment, bring attention to new issues, and perhaps even solve many of the problems that face us daily.
Blogs posted here will focus on the goodwill work of the United Nations, departments of the UN, the African Union, the European Union, Globcal International, the Global Peace Index, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Greenpeace, and many many other organizations that have goodwill missions as qualified by Goodwill Ambassadors, International.
Countries, states, major metropolitan cities and community programs are all welcome to submit stories about their goodwill ambassador programs or agendas for consideration and publication within this blog or linked to this blog as a reference or part of our "Other News."
We will always be looking for content and good articles to post here and have every intent of delivering a valuable blog that will be informative, educational, and entertaining.
If you are interested in submitting content, becoming an author, want to nominate a goodwill ambassador to a particular agency we collaborate with, or if you want to become a Globcal Ambassador of Public Diplomacy, then please contact us directly at or we will be glad to help you in any way that we can.
During the month of August we will publish at least 30 short blogs (less than 1000 words) and several features (over 1000 words). Among the first articles to be published are from a series that is being presented about goodwill ambassadors from the United Nations organizations including the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Joint United Nations Programmes on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), World Health Organization (WHO) and others.