Goodwill is Love in Action
A Program for Men and Women of Goodwill
Goodwill is Love in Action!
by the Lucis FoundationWorld affairs have today reached the point where selfishness, competition, greed and separateness are being increasingly recognized by a growing mass of men and women of goodwill as attributes which are harmful to the continuing survival and well-being of humanity. And yet these values continue to control world affairs.
Confronted with massed political and economic power and conditions which seem out of their control, people of goodwill ask themselves, “What can one person do ?” The fact is that the mobilized and focused power of goodwill demonstrating in the individual lives of millions of men and women can and will alter the course of world affairs.
Goodwill is an energy which, when activated in the individual, manifests as a practical way of life. It is not an impractical sentiment or ideal. Goodwill is love in action.
The practical application of goodwill in a life of service to the one humanity includes: the development of an intelligent approach to world affairs through study; enlightening the mind through reflection and meditation upon world affairs; and a consequent life of service based upon the fruits of one’s study and creative thinking.
When the mass of men and women of goodwill are aroused and they are practically using the energy of goodwill in their lives, a new and decisive factor will emerge in world affairs.There is already evidence of this taking place. The power of their united efforts and focused public opinion will become the controlling factor leading to the up liftment of the human condition, thereby preparing the way for the reappearance of the Christ.
Two Important Facts
Focused, determined, enlightened public opinion is the most potent force in the world.Focused, enlightened public opinion has no equal, but has been little used. Mass psychology, exploited down the ages, has been applied for selfish and evil ends. People are still easily influenced, but their negative receptivity can be as easily turned to good ends as bad. Let us seek to influence them in the direction of right human relations. Planned direction, plus a wisely outlined program positively geared towards right human relations, can be major factors in the creation of a sound and intelligent public opinion.
Humanity is made up of individuals, and each of us, as an individual, is a definite and integral part of the whole.
That which each of us, as an individual, can contribute is important to the whole. In order for this contribution to be of maximum effectiveness, there are four first steps which are important preliminaries to be taken by the person who wants to work wisely, usefully and intuitively for the future.
Four First Steps
- The development of a sense of individual responsibility. Men and women are recognizing the inter-relatedness of life and the oneness of humanity. With recognition of the fact of the one humanity, one simultaneously recognizes one’s integral relation to the whole of humanity and one’s consequent responsibility.
- The development of the spirit of goodwill in the individual himself, and its evocation in others. The recognition of responsibility includes assuming responsibility for one’s speech and actions. One seeks to cultivate within oneself the spirit of goodwill and to evoke its latent expression in others.
- The expression of real love, in service. Being motivated by goodwill, one expresses real love, love in service, love in action. This demonstrates as a life of service to the one humanity.
- The reorganizing of the life so as to get the utmost out of each day. A life of service requires the reorganizing of the daily life and the cultivation of new habits where old habits of living impede one’s service. Circumstances and environment offer no true obstacle to the spiritual way of life.
A Nine Point Program
- Study and reflect upon the many proposals made by world leaders and thinkers on world rehabilitation. Cultivate an intelligent opinion based on goodwill and on what you, as a result of study, believe should be done. Discuss the ideas in your home, among your friends and in your environment without fear or favor. Regard such discussions as a service, and know that your interest and enthusiasm cannot fail to have an effect.
- If possible, gather people together to discuss and study current problems and future needs. Co-operate with those who are already doing so. Look upon this group study as a contribution towards enlightening public opinion. It is a method of building up a reservoir of thought power useful to those whose task is to rebuild. If only two people co-operate with you, the effort will not be lost, for you will be helping to change the content of world thought.
- Extend your interest to many countries by trying to understand the diverse problems of those countries. Foster your contact with people in other lands by directed thought and by communication. A great network of relationships will be then established which will unite the world into one harmonious and understanding whole, built on right human relationships.
- Behind the world pattern and structure stands the Originator, its Planner, its motivating Energy its central Will, its living Creator, its God. Seek by inner orientation (whether by prayer or meditation) to reach that central Will and point of Life, thus blending yourself with the sensed divine objective, identifying your will with the Divine Will.
- Find out and study the methods, techniques and objectives of the various groups and organizations concerned with world reconstruction. You may not agree with all of them, or with their plans or modes or working, but all are needed. Keep a record of such groups, their leaders, objectives and programs. Establish helpful and friendly relations with them to the best of your ability.
- Find two other people to work with you. There is a unique potency in this triple relationship. It reflects the triangle of the Trinity, as three people of like mind form a goodwill triangle of light and spiritual interplay. Each of the two who co-operate with you can, in their turn do the same, and thus a great network of goodwill can spread throughout the world. Through it the Forces of Light will be able to work and you, in your place, will have helped.
- Find the men and women of goodwill in your environment. Be “spiritually aggressive” in this matter and go out to discover them. When you have found them, then be interested in what they are doing; also endeavor to have them co-operate with you in your lines of activity. Keep a register of names and addresses of these people, adding also their capacities and functions, thus building up a mailing list. You will then be aware of a group which can be depended upon to work in a spirit of goodwill for world reconstruction.
- Give much thought, planning and consideration to the problem of the children of every country. It is the most important opportunity for the men and women of goodwill, for from the children of today come the leaders of tomorrow. On these the future of the world depends. From the church, from the home, from the school and the playground arise the influences which have most effect upon the child. What can you do to see that these influences are of the highest and most constructive type available, to build in the foundational concepts of goodwill and right human relationships?
- Begin now to lay aside small sums of money which can be spared and can accumulate for the work. This sacrificial saving will enable each to assume his or her share in the work without placing an undue load on others.
- The channeling of thought and energy into right lines so that good motive and wise action can bring in the desired era of right human relations and eventual peace.
- Stimulating those whose apathy and lack of vision impede progress.
-World Goodwill, a Service Activity of the Lucis Trust
To learn more about the Lucis Trust World Goodwill Service Activity please see the World Goodwill Purposes and Objectives Statement. Many of the Globcal International and United Nations Goodwill Ambassadors have already incorporated these simple principles into their lives.
"World Goodwill is an organized movement founded in 1932 to help establish right human relations and solve humanity's problems through the constructive power of goodwill. World Goodwill's activities are essentially educational." Purposes and Objectives
Other Publications
To help men and women to be intelligent servers, World Goodwill publishes assorted literature, available upon request:World Goodwill Newsletter, a regular bulletin containing current articles and information relating to world affairs, commentary, and information about World Goodwill activity programs.
World Goodwill Commentary, a series of occasional commentaries examining in depth current world problems.
World Goodwill pamphlets, discussing the application of new age principles to various areas of human life.