Goodwill Ambassadors Everywhere!
Where can you find Goodwill Ambassadors?
If you are looking for an ambassador to help or assist in a community event, fundraiser, an exposition or any other promotional activity involving goodwill you should not have to look very far; Globcal International began an international program encompassing social responsibility, sustainable development, international cooperation, and now global citizenship beginning this April to serve the formation of open-source start-up specializing in promoting social benevolence, meritorious international service, and philanthropy. Global has established online network developments that work with the social media, crowdfunding, and soon with micro-finance.![]() |
Globcal International Goodwill Ambassadors |
Globcal is Growing
The organizational format of Globcal is that of an international cooperative that has been developed under United Nations guidelines and recommendations. The organization has been reformatted to be politically benign (non-state) agenda. Since 2013 outreach developments began and are underway internationally in Belize, the Netherlands, Mexico, London, Sweden, Switzerland, Venezuela, Bolivia, and New York City in the US. There are also projects in the planning stages for new specialized ecological sustainability educational programs in Kenya, Cambodia, Malawi, Bangladesh, and Nepal. The organization prides itself on integrity, neutrality, and transparency.The primary difference between Globcal International and most other organizations is that it is not incorporated (registered) under the legal jurisdiction of any of the nation-states or under the United Nations itself. Instead the organization is established as an offshore international charitable foundation with the ability to become recognized in all of the world's 219 countries, 1000+ nations, and over 2500+ metropolitan areas considered to be part of today's new integral global ecosystem, the organization is like a ship at sea with many different flags. Globcal is currently in a two-year proving term status with the UN to become eligible to be recognized as an INGO to go on to begin to seek Permanent Observer status.
Recognize all the People
Globcal also recognizes independently each culture of the world in addition to the supreme authority of the state; we also recognize indigenous nations, the undeclared peoples, and migratory nations under their own capable powers under special treaties. Opportunities are available to, from, or for a nation as an independent global advocate or goodwill ambassador through the program, you may qualify if you wish to understand the Globcal International philosophy.Because the organization is a politically neutral, nonreligious, nonprofit cooperative and an international non-governmental organization it is capable of being admitted into any country under unilateral treaties or cooperation agreements with each state, city, or independent nation as a guest relative to international projects being developed. The volunteer and professional staff have all agreed to be and remain politically non-aligned and not to engage the use their personal religious preferences in their presentation as ambassadors.
All of the organization's founders conceded that to be completely non-discriminatory they needed to be neutral because alignment with nation-state policies or religious institutions could bias their agenda, the United Nations beholds similar guidelines. The organization up until now has been funded primarily by its board of commissioners who have established five practical international projects involving the concept of goodwill to found our model.
Today Globcal International has Goodwill Ambassadors that work as Google Ambassadors, Facebook Ambassadors, and now Indiegogo e³ Ambassadors who all collectively perform campaigns together in the social media as global advocates to promote sustainability, social responsibility, and matters dealing with education of people living within our global ecosystem. The principles are based under a critical examination and understanding of best practices, mutual agreement, equality, and fairness in our best sense; in brief 'good will' or 'goodwill.' You can find our members throughout the social media.
More Goodwill Ambassadors than Ever Before
Now most recently the organization has noticed there are new agendas that have spontaneously developed and cropped-up at various levels of professionalism and formality involving ambassadors from over 250 international and nongovernmental organizations around the world many well-known to the social media; most of them have been identified as goodwill ambassadors in one sense or another. Some were already there but not yet using the social media and others are modeling from our development.Evolving from social media development of Globcal's goodwill pioneering effort since 2008 are Everyday Ambassadors, Internations Ambassadors, Peace Ambassadors, Interfaith Ambassadors, and Indigenous Unity Ambassadors. This is great in itself and shows that goodwill administered professionally goes a long way and has great potential to influence others.
Most recently as well there has been a sharp rise in the rehabilitation and promotion of UNICEF Ambassadors, UNESCO Ambassadors, and Messengers of Peace; also the new Global Advocates that are now being promoted by the United Nations. The United Nations has been promoting the ideal of goodwill diplomacy since they began with Danny Kaye when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights set the stage in 1948. Since then the United Nations has developed goodwill embassies to promote more than half of its international divisions, they have recognized nearly 1000 goodwill ambassadors over the years and currently have around 400 active.
Over 300,000 Goodwill Ambassadors in the United States
In the United States a new trend emerged several years ago among many US state governors to develop new goodwill ambassadors for their states, they adopted an ideal that originated in Kentucky to make Kentucky Colonels their official goodwill ambassadors. Over 40 states have adopted a similar practice; they award or bestow honorary titles of different types to civilians and visitors recognized for their particular deeds.Some of the awards include Arkansas Traveler, Tennessee Colonel, Indiana Sagamore of Wabash, Illinois Order of Lincoln, Delaware Order of the First State, and Nebraska Admiral among many others have alternative programs today that help boost the state's reputation for tourism, business, and development.
The 'tradition of honor' began in 1819 when the Commonwealth of Kentucky began the awarding honorary commissions to its citizens for acts of heroism, great deeds, and accomplishments as Colonels. It is the duty of those who receive the title or use it to demonstrate goodwill toward the Commonwealth as an honorary member of its militia. Today this title still holds great precedence, honor, and is recognized around the world.
I understand there are some who travel to the different states to become involved in projects to be acknowledged with some of these awards. I know of at least three people who have collected 10 or more of these honors. When we attempted to do a survey we came to realize that there may be as many as 300,000 or many more individual goodwill ambassadors from all these states.
The International Goodwill Ambassadors Guild
Its very similar to the concept of Globcal International that all these ambassadors all around the world become recognized and exalted for their work, common interest, and general service to humanity and the environment through the International Goodwill Ambassadors Guild which was created in 2013.So far the international honorary order of goodwill ambassadors has begun to recognize over 200 celebrity ambassadors which all serve as their role development models. Commissary appointment to the International Goodwill Ambassadors Guild is through its own standing members or its own foundation protectors and commissioners recognizing their fellow ambassadors who gain notice through the well-known international and local news media within a nation.
The International Goodwill Ambassadors Guild is responsible for providing its members with a membership card, an honorary commission certificate, and lifetime membership benefits as registrants. Similarly to the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, membership in the Ambassadors Guild is an honorary matter and is awarded without cost. The organization is a tax-exempt non-profit organization which has a private membership roster. The Guild is not a secret society, but membership therein is a confidential matter between those who have been recognized with a commission. We can only cite the names of those who have chosen the more public side of life as notable public figures and celebrities who have agreed to serve as goodwill ambassadors for international organizations.
Goodwill Role Models
Celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Sean Penn, Forest Whitaker, Don Cheadle, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Clinton, Nicole Kidman, Giselle Bündchen, Katy Perry, Ian Somerhalder, Herbie Hancock, Nicholas Cage, Andrew Weil,, Paulo Coelho, Ricky Martin, Larry King, Ted Turner, and Bono were all recently nominated to the selection commission for their admiralty and extraordinary efforts as global advocates and exemplary change-makers through their personal goodwill activities. It will now be their role along with others who have received a commission to the Guild to designate future generations of recognized members.Wangari Maathai, John McConnell, Garry Davis, and Nelson Mandela all well-know goodwill ambassadors are all cited in the 2013 charter of the Guild posthumously as inspirational and acknowledged supporters of Globcal International's work.
In 2015 the Guild has also began to officially include indigenous nations and culturally defined peoples, they have already recognized several leaders in the Amazon and the Andes who travel internationally as goodwill ambassadors for their tribal ethnic villages, communities, and settlements. The indigenous groups that are members of Globcal and part of the Indigenous Unity Movement shall designate these goodwill ambassadors to our organization who use the International Indigenous Unity Flag on their lands to demonstrate their alliance and solidarity as a global nationals.
Neutrality is Key
One of the primary characteristic requirements to qualify as a goodwill ambassador is to (support) want to see others do well, become prosperous, and live with individual personal dignity. Our purpose on earth is to live within human social systems that are mutually respected, peaceful, and co-existent among one another. In terms of some politics, nationalism, and religion this is impossible. Poverty often resulting in envy that is born by greed, corruption, unfair capitalism, and natural resource exploitation resulting in human rights abuses remain the biggest factors effecting human equality.As the author of this article I know these facts all too well. I also learned that the hardest part about being a goodwill ambassador is dealing with those who show envy toward progressive goodwill work or cooperation usually from the political, corporate, or nationalist stance. Granted however it is very difficult for a nation to be non-discriminatory while protecting its borders; under our current system wealthy nation-states are forced to discriminate based on national origin and other factors to provide security, protect its banks, and protect the well-being of its residents.
Goodwill Standards
Contrary to what some may believe goodwill ambassadors are not 'whistle blowers' or 'defenders of justice,' the tactic of denouncing what is wrong with the world for goodwill ambassadors is taking the Gandhi approach, "be the change you want to see" or for us this means taking effective actions with proven methods or perhaps sometimes implementing theoretical solutions to solve problems; not spilling the beans, raising red flags, or inciting a mob scenes involving national, political, or religious ideals. Goodwill ambassadors advocate for what is right based on an unwritten universal understanding of an international community consciousness and awareness, their work revolves around the personal integrity they create and behold as individuals with upstanding regard for human equality.Defining and delivering goodwill to others are topics that were formed long ago by great philosophers like Aristotle while discussing friendship and further defined by Kant through act utilitarianism.
The United Nations has developed treaties, declarations, and conventions to bring equality and fairness around the globe in all countries; despite this some countries and nations under rogue or unqualified democratic leadership continue to violate doctrines we have made our laws like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the more recent Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Declaration on the Environment and Sustainable Development. Those who consider themselves to be goodwill ambassadors are all expected to hold firmly to these international conventions for the well-being of all the people on the planet.
Globcal International has a membership and training program for those interested in becoming Goodwill Ambassadors through our global citizenship program. Follow Globcal on Facebook, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Blogger, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Idealist, and Indiegogo.
Note to readers: I presented this blog article to answer the so many questions so many people have had about our programs and projects involving the Goodwill Ambassadors. In forthcoming articles I will be discussing more on these topics in dedicated articles, and other topics like global citizenship registration, freedom on the high seas, the benefits of offshore incorporation, how to get the most out of your philanthropy, how to stage and coordinate an international event, why becoming an expat or acquiring dual nationality can benefit you, how you can gain international benefits through offshore charitable foundation patronage, and you can also learn more about our international personal credential and online personal verification software called e³.
This edition of our blog was posted to give full understanding to our current legal status as an organization after three years of redevelopment and reformation. Currently you may join Globcal International as a special associate member as a global citizen for an initial term of three years. Questions or inquiry about membership or further to the authors of this blog you may write to
By David J. Wright, Executive Officer for Globcal International
About the Author: Col. David Wright is one of several of the Globcal International co-founders, he works as a goodwill ambassador to deliver environmental and ecological solutions with innovative projects, he is the founder of Ecology Crossroads (est. 1994), he also works with projects in the Amazon with indigenous peoples. He serves as the organizational engineer for the Globcal International (CiNGO), a Cooperative International Non-Governmental Organization. Col. Wright has been recognized as a goodwill ambassador since 1990.